In 2010, I seriously considered bariatric surgery as a means to permanently lose my excess weight and keep the weight off for the long-term. I wanted the gastric sleeve because I felt at the time that surgery was my only permanent solution to keeping the weight off for good. I had just gone through Overeater’s Anonymous (OA) in 2004 and lost all of the weight at that time, only to gain it back once again in 2007… plus more. An all too familiar story that I wanted to close the book on for good.

But unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), my insurance at the time did not believe weight loss surgery was a legitimate medical procedure warranting insurance payment. So, I never had the $20,000 to pay for the surgery and that was that.

But, a friend of mine in OA told me one time not to ever have bariatric surgery and her brief comment always stayed with me whenever I considered looking into bariatric surgery again.

As it happened, two years ago I had emergency gallbladder surgery when it was found that I had several large gallstones causing major pain in my abdomen. I did not relate it at the time, but now I know that these gallstones were a direct result of the excessive weight and stress that I had placed on my body all of these years. The surgeon that took great care to remove my fat processing internal organ told me after surgery that I should consider bariatric surgery again as he felt insurance companies were now on board with understanding the long-term benefits for weight loss surgery patients.

To tell you the truth, I hadn’t thought about bariatric surgery in a while. Once I found the Keto Diet and learned all about the physiology of the body’s digestive system, I really began to believe that I could lose the weight on my own and not have to cut into my God-given anatomy. The only problem was that I was not losing the weight even with all of my new knowledge and understanding about how the body processes and stores food.

For those of us who are morbidly obese and whose health is in serious decline, what is the better option: bariatric surgery or long-term fasting?

NOTE: Both options should be carefully considered with full knowledge and approval from your doctor, especially if you have medical conditions and are on medication. Diabetes Type II requiring insulin will need to be monitored with care during either option because your need for insulin will drop significantly and you do not want to have too much insulin in your body resulting in a considerable decline in blood glucose levels causing severe hypoglycemia. So, please consult a doctor if you have any medical conditions before you decide on either one of the options above.

That being said, let’s look at the benefits and disadvantages of both options.

Bariatric Surgery


  1. Guaranteed weight loss
  2. Possible autophagy
  3. Possible therapeutic ketosis
  4. More energy
  5. Less pain in joints
  6. Grocery bill reduction
  7. More accepted by society
  8. Longer lifespan
  9. Can cure diabetes type II
  10. Can drastically improve heart disease conditions
  11. Can decrease cancer risk
  12. Lowers high blood pressure
  13. Improves acid reflux disease
  14. Lowers a person’s risk of death by 40%
  15. hormones regulating weight improve
  16. Stomach is surgically altered and much of it bypassed to a significantly smaller size than normal
  17. Can eliminate fatty liver and other internal organs.


  1. Clear liquid diet for 2 weeks before wight loss surgery
  2. clear liquid diet for 1 week following weight loss surgery
  3. Pureed food for 2 more weeks following the clear liquid diet
  4. 8 weeks of a soft food diet after the pureed food phase of surgery recovery
  5. Dumping syndrome: severe stomach cramps and vomiting after eating too much post surgery
  6. Dehydration
  7. Constipation
  8. Blocked opening to stomach pouch
  9. Possible weight gain or failure to lose weight
  10. Risk of death
  11. Possible malnutrition
  12. Possible abdominal hernia
  13. Possible need for further surgeries
  14. Risk of infection/internal bleeding
  15. Long recovery time
  16. High cost

Long-Term Fasting


  1. Guaranteed weight loss
  2. Autophagy, repair damaged cells
  3. High therapeutic ketosis
  4. More energy
  5. Less pain in joints
  6. Keep all organs intact
  7. Free
  8. Grocery bill reduction
  9. More time living, no time eating
  10. Don’t think about food at all
  11. Not hungry
  12. No recovery time
  13. Can start anytime
  14. Can fast for any length of time
  15. Longer lifespan
  16. Can cure diabetes type II
  17. Can drastically improve heart disease conditions
  18. Can decrease cancer risk
  19. Lowers high blood pressure
  20. Improves acid reflux disease
  21. Decrease hypertension
  22. It is unknown how much long-term fasting lowers a person’s risk of death, but it increases lifespan significantly.
  23. hormones regulating weight improve
  24. Stomach shrinks back to normal size
  25. No more fatty liver and other internal organs.
  26. Improved sleep
  27. Require less sleep per night
  28. heightened sense of smell/taste


  1. First 3-4 days of a long-term fast are grueling
  2. Not socially acceptable
  3. No celebrations with friends/family that include eating
  4. Dehydration
  5. Dizziness when standing
  6. Fainting spells due to lack of electrolytes
  7. metallic-tasting breath
  8. sense of smell/taste can overwhelm at times
  9. rapid detox from stored toxins over the years can be extremely uncomfortable or painful
  10. Risk of death/heart failure
  11. “Fasting high” can be addictive and fasting can turn into abusive eating/eating disorder.
  12. Risk of “gaining it all back” once the fast is over

Long-term fasting is not for everyone. There is clearly a dark side to long-term fasting that many proponents of fasting for health do not describe. While it is true that fasting has many health benefits, it is also true that extreme long-term fasting should be monitored by a doctor. Long-term fasting should be weighed against your medical conditions and whether you can handle the added stress with an increase in the stress hormone, norepinephrine, on your body during a long-term fast.

At the same time, bariatric surgery is a permanent alternation to your digestive system that may reduce nutrient absorption so severely that even when you eat you may not be taking in the nutrition your body needs in order to sustain itself resulting in severe malnutrition. Abusing the recommended diet restrictions after surgery can also lead to serious difficulties and pain.

There are pros and cons to both choices, but when a morbidly obese person is leading him/herself down the path of literally eating oneself to death with no understanding or ability to stop the insanity, there comes a time for a drastic change in one’s life in order to save it. This is exactly where I come from. Morbid obesity is a deep, dark prison with years of abusive eating and harmful agonizing food choices. A quick fix of dopamine release for 5 minutes during food consumption for a lifetime of misery is NOT worth it.

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

Overeater’s anonymous

We, who suffer from this overeating disease and want to be free, will do anything to save our lives and get back to healthfulness once again. Both bariatric surgery and extreme long-term fasting have their downsides and their upsides. But, we should not give up because the road ahead is rocky. We must fight for the life that God has given us to live. We have a powerful opportunity to take back what we have lost: our health. It won’t be easy, no matter which option you choose, but it will be worth it in the end.

About Jennifer Stoeckl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Jennifer's pictureHello there! I am a former special education teacher
turned business owner who is now the CEO and
founding member of Dire Wolf Project, Inc. I wrote
non-fiction book on the Dire Wolf Project and am
fully immersed in the world of dogs. However, I have
also spent my entire life trying to find a permanent
solution to my morbid obesity, which has plagued 
me since adolescence. Now, I have embarked on a 
long-term fasting adventure to turn my life around 
and take control of my body’s cries for help.
Join me as I work to break the record of the longest days without eating. Follow me on YouTube.
Record Breaking Fast LogoTAKE CONTROL OF YOUR BODY,

Record Breaking Fast is all about helping you 
free yourself from the food addition causing 
you to eat uncontrollable amounts of food 
and gain weight at a rapid pace. Don’t allow food 
to dictate who you are and what you will become. 
Live free from the foods that cause you to binge.
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